Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2013


A big part of triathlon is running.

If your run was good or not can totally change your whole result. Often, bad swimmers but good runners are better than good swimmers but bad runners. 

It's important to have a lot of energy at the end of your race. Even if you had a great time on the bike, a good runner can  be at the finish line in front of you! 
So you really have to improve your stamina, endurance and all that, especially if you're a triathlete.

I'm pretty young so my training plan is, of course, not the same as an adult's one.
But you can do this program as a circuit if you don't feel like you did everything you could.

1) warm-up as long as you feel comfortable with and you feel prepped for your workout. Slowly jog, in a pace in which you can easily talk, for ca. 10mins. 

2) stability

- 1min forearm plank
- 1min side plank (each side)
- 1min holding hip lift

- 1min bicycles on your back (slowly!)
- 1min "swimming" on your tummy
- 1min slow side crunches
- 1min alternating superman 

3) Running ABC

3x, 30-50 meters 
- skipping 
- butt kicks
- high knees

3x, 20 meters
- side hops, but slowly moving forward 
- one-leg jumps right
- one-leg jumps left

4) The actual training

- 300 meters
- 200 meters
- 100 meters 
- 50 meters

Run these short distances as fast as you can but still can breathe and don't push too hard! 

I hope you can begin your running training with this little workout and I hope you have fun doing this. Please tell me if you like it and if you improved your time a tiny bit! 


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